How to customize gestures for the Trackpad and what are the best tricks


While we use our Mac, it will be useful if we use several shortcuts that, although they are not secrets, if they can be hidden from many users. For this reason, in today's article, we show you how to customize gestures for the Trackpad and what are the best tricks for your Mac. This way, you will save a lot of time while accessing the multiple functions that these complex devices provide you.

From the first moment you purchase one of these devices, it is logical that you want to get the most out of it. For it, You have many options within them, but some of them may take some time, even more so if we are adapting to using a Mac. For this reason, using these shortcuts will be the most advantageous alternative.

The best gestures and tricks to use the Trackpad on your Mac

As soon as you start using your Mac, something useful is activate mouse right click for easy access to the contextual system menu. then simply Click with two fingers simultaneously to access your trackpad. This will open the doors to multiple shortcuts, ideal for multi-touch devices.

The most basic are the gestures that you can do on the Trackpad, to perform different actions without opening the menu or supporting the keyboard. These gestures range from simple ones, such as pressing to access other multi-finger gestures. But without a doubt, using them will be quite advantageous, whether you want to save work time or if you are inexperienced in many complicated actions when done manually.

Some of the most used gestures are these that we indicate below:

  • Press with your finger: Press or left click.

  • Press with two fingers: Click on the right button.

  • Click twice with two fingers: Smart zoom, expand or shrink the website.

  • Put two fingers up or down: Displays the website or page, moving it up or down.

Magic Trackpad is very useful for viewing content

  • Pinch using two fingers: Increases or reduces the scale depending on the direction in which you do it, it can be inwards to decrease or outwards to increase.

  • Move two fingers around each other: This is a gesture that we can use to rotate photos or elements.

  • Place two fingers left or right: Swipe the page, and depending on which side your fingers slide, it will go to the next page or the previous page.

  • Position two fingers to the left of the right edge: This displays the notification center.

  • Three-finger drag: If we do this simple gesture, you will be able to move the element to the screen. Then click to release it.

  • Click with three fingers: This action is performed to activate data search and discovery. With a gesture, you'll search for a word or perform an action with dates, addresses, phone numbers, or other data.

  • Divide the thumb and three fingers: This type of pinch in an external direction with several fingers will be the one that directs you back to your desk.

  • Perform a pinch with one thumb and three fingers: This simple gesture, using several fingers, shows the initial panel.

  • Swipe up using four fingers: When you do this, you will access Mission Control, this simple but effective method will help you save a lot of time.

  • Use four fingers while sliding down: This action will display all the windows of the applications you are using.


  • Move left or right with four fingers: It will allow you to switch from one desktop to the other, and switching between applications in full screen.

  • Unir 3 fingers with your thumb: See your apps in the Finder or Dock icon.

  • Sseparate the thumb and 3 fingers: Clear all open windows in macOS and show your desktop.

How to customize gestures for the Trackpad

On Mac use TrackPad settings to change the work of said tool. For example, you can change the speed with which the pointer moves on the screen, when you move your finger across the Trackpad, and configure the gestures they use through the Trackpad.

To change these settings, select the Apple menu. Then, to configure it, go to System Preferences and click Trackpad on the side panel, you may have to scroll down to do this. Select here the menu you want to view.

In this menu, it will be possible to change the necessary parameters. After you are already in the Trackpad section, you can check how you have up to three sections where you can find various settings, to completely customize the method in which you want to use your Trackpad.

Others trucos and keyboard shortcuts that can help us increase productivity

  • Control + down arrow- Test all application windows in the foreground.

  • Option + any key of volume: Open sound settings.

  • Option + any button increase or decrease keyboard brightness: Open keyboard settings.

  • Option + Shift + Brightness: Adjusts the keyboard brightness, but in even smaller intervals than ordinary intervals.

Keyboard sound

  • Option + Double click: Opens the element in another window, closing the current one.

  • Team + Double click: Open the folder in another tab or window.

  • Team + Drag to another volume: Moves the dragged item to a new volume instead of copying it.

  • Option + Drag element: Copies the item you drag.

  • Option + Command + Drag element: Creates the pseudonym of the item you drag.

  • Option + Click the reset triangle: Opens all folders in the selected folder, although only if it has a list in it.

Mac computers can be our best allies, These devices have all the necessary features to satisfy the most demanding users.. For this reason, we hope that in this article you have found how to customize the gestures for the Trackpad and what are the best tricks, so you can increase your performance with this device. If you think we should mention anything else, let us know in the comments. We will be reading you.

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