How to recover photos that were deleted on your Mac?

paper bin

It is very likely that on many occasions accidentally lost a photo on your Mac. It could happen to you because you inadvertently deleted it from the image gallery, some system error, improper operations or a virus that attacks your device. Today we will see how to recover deleted photos on Mac.

There are alternatives that you can turn to recover deleted photos on your Apple computer in a very simple way. You will only have to carefully follow the steps in each case to be able to recover the photos satisfactorily. Below, we show you everything you need to know about the topic.

Is it possible to recover deleted photos from my Mac?

The anguish we feel when losing our most precious photos It's something we've all experienced at some point. But is it really possible to recover those deleted photos? The answer, obviously, is a resounding YES.

Whether you deleted them by mistake, due to a hard drive problem, or due to a virus, It doesn't matter. Lucky for you, Lost photos can still be found stored on your device.

Even if they seem to have vanished, there is almost always hope to save them. Since in reality they have only been marked as available in storage and can be recovered.

It is important that from the first moment Act quickly if you want to recover deleted photos on your device. Something important is that You should not use the folder where they were located to prevent new data from overwriting them. Once they are overwritten, the chances of recovering the photos decrease considerably.

Therefore, if you find yourself in the latter situation, you will need help from an expert on the subject to obtain the best possible solution. It's never too late to rescue your lost memories.

And very well, to continue with the topic, we will mention different tools that can help us in this complicated task (which later you will see that it does not have to be so difficult).


recoverit macos

It is no less true that recovering data can be difficult for certain people. For this reason, we want to recommend an app with which you can easily achieve this. Recoverit is a specific recovery application that stands out for restore all types of image formats with great speed.

It is specially designed to examine in depth and restore data, regardless of the situation that caused its elimination. This presents the option of see a preview of all your recently deleted photos and that they are still recoverable.

First, download the app. Once installed on your Mac, you can follow the following steps to recover the images:

  1. Choose a hard drive. Run the recovery program on your computer. A pop-up window will appear in which you must select the location where the files were located before deletion.
  2. Scan the hard drive. Recoverit will automatically start a full scan process, searching for lost image files all over your Mac. This analysis, being deep, can find deleted files of all types.
  3. recover the photos. At the end of the search process, a list of all the files found will appear, select the ones you want to restore and tap on Recover.

You can access the page here.

Recover files deleted from Trash

recover trash

Have you ever wondered where the files you delete from your computer go? Well, you don't have to have much experience to know that, in general, They are in the recycle bin, from where you can restore them. This is very simple, can be done in a few clicks, here is a step by step:

  1. Play the trash can icon to view the photos you have deleted.
  2. Type the file name into Finder's search box.
  3. Find the images you are looking for and move them to the destination folder to save them back to your Mac.

This functionality on your computer is very useful, especially when you have recently deleted information that you later want to keep. It is a very simple way to recover images, but it has a limitation, Once they have been deleted from the trash, it will be impossible to restore them in this way.

Restore deleted photos through Photos

apple photos

To prevent you from losing important images permanently, The Photos app that is integrated into your Mac keeps them for a while. This will save these files in the recently deleted photo album which stores them for a total of 30 days.

This is very useful to find the photos that you have accidentally deleted. I'll show you how to do it below:

  1. Open the app Photos.
  2. Check the section albums that appears on the left and taps on Recently removed. On some older versions of Mac, this album may appear at the top.
  3. Then, they will be displayed thumbnails of files you've deleted, these will have a detail at the bottom that indicates the remaining life span.
  4. Choose all the photos you want to recover.
  5. Toca Recover at the top of the screen. If, however, you want to delete all these files permanently; then tap on remove all.
  6. Go back to the original folder where your images were located and check that they have been restored correctly.

Another way to access the Recently Deleted Photo Album


If you can't find the album recently deleted photos through Photos, I recommend that you try to access it in the following way:

  1. Press on Archive and then click the option Show recent deleted for said album to appear.
  2. Mark all the photos you were looking for and tap on Recover.

Points you should keep in mind to recover recently deleted Trash or Album

  1. Si your hard drive is full, It is very likely that the system deletes files from the trash to free up storage space.
  2. Once the recycle bin is completely empty, it will no longer be possible to recover the images that were in it. You will need special programs to do this (like Recoverit).
  3. The photos you want to recover from the Recent Deleted Album will remain there for only 30 days, you must restore them before said period expires.
  4. Unlike the last two recovery ways we have talked about, Recoverit is capable of recovering photos without any time limit.

And that's all! We hope we have been of help to you in having information on how to recover deleted photos on your Mac. Let me know in the comments what you thought was the best and if you know anything else related to the subject.

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