The iPhone 6 and 6 plus can no longer be purchased in an Apple Store

iphone 6 apple store sale

Since today, the most successful generation of the company with the bitten apple has gone down in history. It is still a good terminal, it is still current and powerful. It will continue to update for at least two more years and many have recently purchased it, but in the Apple Store it is already of more. The iPhone 6 and 6 plus, the 2014 model, has disappeared from Apple's stores and catalog. Is it justified to withdraw it due to the arrival of the iPhone 7? Yes.

Next I will give you my reasons why not to buy the iPhone 6 and why it will soon be an old or inferior terminal.

Apple stops selling the iPhone 6 and 6 plus

If you are looking for an iPhone from previous generations or a slightly cheaper one, the normal thing will be that your options are the iPhone 6, the SE or the 6s now that it has dropped in price and has increased the storage capacity. Many friends or acquaintances ask me about the iPhone 6 and whether or not to buy it. My answer is always the same: NO.

And I will explain the reason for my decision. I have the iPhone 6 64Gb. I do not plan to buy the 7 or the terminal that arrives in 2017. With iOS 10 my device works great and does not give me problems of any kind, but that is now. I don't know in a year or two how it will work. If you are looking for an iPhone it is because you want it to last, that is why I recommend that you buy the most current models. I think the most influential factor is power, since a person looking for old terminals does not look at 3D Touch or those things, they are looking for efficiency and power. The iPhone 6 has 1Gb of Ram and works perfectly. But the 6s goes up to 2Gb, and the 7 plus even to 3Gb. It may be that in the future that will leave the iPhone 6 outdated.

Now it has disappeared from the store and the options are iPhone SE, 6s and 7. Except for the 4-inch one, the rest are in 32, 128 and 256Gb. You would only find 6 in 16 or 64, it is not enough and it is not advisable to buy it. Who has it to enjoy it, and whoever looks for a new one to go for the 7th, it's worth it.

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