Apple has chosen to reduce dependence on MobileDeviceUpdater on Macs

Apple has now chosen to reduce dependency on MobileDeviceUpdater

Often times, the company issues a series of updates for its devices. They are usually released for bug fixes or to add new features. However, there are times when it surprises by issuing rare updates. This is what happened recently when a separate software update was released for Macs running macOS Big Sur. "Device Support Update": To "ensure the update and Restore suitable for iOS and iPadOS devices with Mac ».

The update added support for recently released devices, including the iPhone 13 models, the new iPad mini, and the XNUMXth-generation iPad. Still, the update was the first of its kind to arrive via System Preferences -> Software Update. Typically, when you connect an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a Mac, a dialog box appears from an application called Mobile Device Updater. It says "A software update is required to connect" to your iOS device. This usually happens when the device has been independently updated with a newer version of iOS or iPadOS that the Mac doesn't recognize. Indicating that the download is required for the computer to communicate with the device.

From the looks of it, Apple has chosen to reduce dependency on the MobileDeviceUpdater app. It does this by automatically sending these downloads when they are ready. through software update. This way, users no longer have to wait until they connect an iOS device to get what is now known as a "Device Support Update."

All this, confirmed thanks to Adam Engst de tid bits:  "Nice to know what happens when installing future device support updates from Software Update - they don't require a reboot, and users will still get a MobileDeviceUpdate dialog the next time they connect their device if they haven't installed the update."

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